Sep 11, 2010

Left to our own devices we are so good at muddying the waters! All the talk of the economy based on the health of the housing market has gotten so that people can think of little else but homes & home values. We are accustom in this country to moving as we wish, when we wish. If you don't need to move right now or have a compelling reason to be on the market then get the heck off! I have had people call me and say "well we don't really need to sell, but we just wanted to test the market".

How can I think anything to myself other than "really". My next thought is under which rock do you live? Ok I am kidding, I do more investigation but truly if you have no compelling reason to sell right now you have to ask yourself why even entertain this. There is an oversupply of listings and we are in a full on Buyers Market, one of the things that would help the current market would be; if you do not need to sell now then come off of the market. Coming off of the market really would help Sellers that need to sell in your area.

I have another bone to chew... If you are currently living in your home and you have no plans to sell, don't need to sell and you don't need to refinance please please stop talking about the money you have lost in your home! This is akin to looking at your 401K everyday and bemoaning the days market up or down. If you did this it would drive you crazy so stop. The market is where it is today, it hasn't always been this way and it won't always be this way!

Home Sweet Home!

Lastly I want to address Home Buyers, the ones that are out looking, looking, looking. What are you afraid of? You stand to lose more value in the car that you just bought, you know that unappreciating asset in the driveway then you do in the home you are looking at today. Oh and most of us give our cars, the unappreciating asset more care on an annual basis than we do our homes! I think this article by Matthew Ferrara Kick Buyers Butt makes the point way better than I do, take a look and let me know what you think. All the cards are in your hand, don't miss this opportunity by sitting frozen in indecisiveness. This time for you is like being given the keys to the kingdom, don't freak yourself out. Find the home you want and can comfortably live in and go for it.

Call your Agent (or me 919-623-7715) and let's get this moving!

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About Me

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Raleigh / Wake Forest, NC, United States
Julie Keelan is a Broker with the Keelan ~ Page Group at Allen Tate Company in the Triangle Area of North Carolina. The Triangle encompasses: Raleigh, Wake Forest, RTP, Durham, Chapel Hill; her focus is the Raleigh, Wake Forest, Rolesville & surrounding areas. Julie also specializes in Horse Farms and Golf Course homes. Starting in 1996 as a Real Estate Appraiser in Flagstaff, AZ & in 2005 moving to Raleigh, NC getting her Brokers License she has seem many markets. Julie shares her experience and take on what's going on in the Real Estate market in her area and Real Estate in general...there is always something going on! The news is not all bad despite what you hear from the non-stop talking heads on the 24 hour news networks. In today’s market you have to search for professionals that truly know what is going on in your market, always remember REAL ESTATE IS LOCAL! Please contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to talk to us about Buying or Selling we have great tools and marketing plans to get the job done for you. In the mean time I hope to put some light and lite into your day as related to Real Estate. Keep Coming Back!