Jul 8, 2009


Move-up buyers can increase their wealth by taking advantage of the current Triangle homes market. Many homeowners who don’t need to sell in this market are choosing to sit it out. Fearful that their homes will sell for less than they would have three years ago, many homeowners are missing the opportunity presented by the current real estate market. It’s only natural that a homeowner will focus on the loss in home prices compared with recent years, but “move-up” buyers need to focus on the importance of buying now in order to have a long-term positive impact on their net worth.

Home Price = $300,000
Sell at $270,000 = $30,000 less

Home Price = $500,000
Buy at $450,000 = $50,000 savings

The smaller loss at sale will be compensated by greater savings at purchase, resulting in a significant net gain. The example above assumes a 10% drop in the home market at both levels. In fact, in the Triangle Market the advantage may be even greater because the prices of lower-priced homes seem to be holding while the higher priced homes continue to go down in list price.

Smart homeowners are taking advantage of this market to “step-up” their housing, some of my clients are. When you buy a better home under the current market conditions, you are saving more on the purchase than you lost on the sale of your previous home and your new home is of often better positioned for appreciation when the market rebounds. If you take the example above and assume that the homes appreciate 10% in value, the first home gains $27,000, while the second gains $45,000. This can add significantly to your net worth when the market rebounds which it will.

Let the Keelan Realty Group show you how to take advantage of the current market conditions call us at 919-453-5064 today! Visit us on the web at www.AllenTate.com/JulieKeelan to view listings in the Triangle.

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Raleigh / Wake Forest, NC, United States
Julie Keelan is a Broker with the Keelan ~ Page Group at Allen Tate Company in the Triangle Area of North Carolina. The Triangle encompasses: Raleigh, Wake Forest, RTP, Durham, Chapel Hill; her focus is the Raleigh, Wake Forest, Rolesville & surrounding areas. Julie also specializes in Horse Farms and Golf Course homes. Starting in 1996 as a Real Estate Appraiser in Flagstaff, AZ & in 2005 moving to Raleigh, NC getting her Brokers License she has seem many markets. Julie shares her experience and take on what's going on in the Real Estate market in her area and Real Estate in general...there is always something going on! The news is not all bad despite what you hear from the non-stop talking heads on the 24 hour news networks. In today’s market you have to search for professionals that truly know what is going on in your market, always remember REAL ESTATE IS LOCAL! Please contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to talk to us about Buying or Selling we have great tools and marketing plans to get the job done for you. In the mean time I hope to put some light and lite into your day as related to Real Estate. Keep Coming Back!