May 27, 2009 want to sell your house... But Are You Willing?

Selling in the present environment requires accurate pricing & meticulous presentation. If you start out with your home priced too high & have things left undone in the home you may have just added a significant level of difficulty to the process & the Buyer will move on to your competition.

During the first couple of weeks listed, you should see a flurry of activity with buyers' agents coming to preview your home so they can sell it to their clients. Fewer agents will preview your home when it is overpriced & does not present well. If your home is dramatically above market, agents will ignore your home thinking you're not a serious seller. Their time might be better spent previewing homes that are priced realistically & show well. If you start out with a high sales price, then drop it later -- your home is "old news." You will never be able to recapture that flurry of initial activity you would have had with a more accurate price. A good Agent will help you to put you best foot forward when you come to the market. I coined the phrase "the three P's of marketing a home" Presentation, Pricing and Promotion. It is my job to get your home priced right, to get your home in it's best showing condition I always consult with a Home Stager. I use Karen Reynolds owner of Champagne Staging, see her website at

Even if you successfully sell at an above market price, your buyer will need a mortgage and the mortgage lender will require an appraisal. If comparable sales for the last six months and current market conditions do not support your sales price, the house won’t appraise. Your deal falls apart. Of course, you can always attempt to renegotiate the price, but only if the buyer is willing to listen. Your house could go "back on the market."

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Raleigh / Wake Forest, NC, United States
Julie Keelan is a Broker with the Keelan ~ Page Group at Allen Tate Company in the Triangle Area of North Carolina. The Triangle encompasses: Raleigh, Wake Forest, RTP, Durham, Chapel Hill; her focus is the Raleigh, Wake Forest, Rolesville & surrounding areas. Julie also specializes in Horse Farms and Golf Course homes. Starting in 1996 as a Real Estate Appraiser in Flagstaff, AZ & in 2005 moving to Raleigh, NC getting her Brokers License she has seem many markets. Julie shares her experience and take on what's going on in the Real Estate market in her area and Real Estate in general...there is always something going on! The news is not all bad despite what you hear from the non-stop talking heads on the 24 hour news networks. In today’s market you have to search for professionals that truly know what is going on in your market, always remember REAL ESTATE IS LOCAL! Please contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to talk to us about Buying or Selling we have great tools and marketing plans to get the job done for you. In the mean time I hope to put some light and lite into your day as related to Real Estate. Keep Coming Back!